and this made me sad
BUTTT back to the point. (har, har a pun. buttt. but. but! geeddit!!)
evey 590,009.34 members of the Mon-Steriens family (of genus Mon and species Steriens)are truly sorry in the infridgement of jucidal sucidal law, section 3 papayas, part pangsai, line -22.
we recongnize the public harm and discreditment done intentionally to Mr. imaginary stick and would like to take this oppotuinty to make a public statement to show our sincrest regretment in copying Mr imginary stick and resulting in disillutionating the public, causing them to think that Mr imginary stick is actually worth copying =p
therefore, in an utmost attempt to make good our relations and to prevent it from turning into hostility and distrust, we, the Mon-Steriens, hereby grant Mr imginary stick a complimentary oppotuinity to claim a hug from any of the 590,009.34 members of the Mon-Steriens family at any time and any place. also, Mr imaginary stick will be granted a one time exclusive redemption from being called a noob by Mon-Steriens (although this already hardly happens, admit it). however, terms and conditions apply. this exculsive redeption will in no way save you when the beast and jw2242 begin their verbal abuse (i.e. Lu(@$ you f!Cking noob!) on you.
thank you for your kind understanding and we wish you all the best for your future endaveours.
BUTTT back to the point. (har, har a pun. buttt. but. but! geeddit!!)
evey 590,009.34 members of the Mon-Steriens family (of genus Mon and species Steriens)are truly sorry in the infridgement of jucidal sucidal law, section 3 papayas, part pangsai, line -22.
we recongnize the public harm and discreditment done intentionally to Mr. imaginary stick and would like to take this oppotuinty to make a public statement to show our sincrest regretment in copying Mr imginary stick and resulting in disillutionating the public, causing them to think that Mr imginary stick is actually worth copying =p
therefore, in an utmost attempt to make good our relations and to prevent it from turning into hostility and distrust, we, the Mon-Steriens, hereby grant Mr imginary stick a complimentary oppotuinity to claim a hug from any of the 590,009.34 members of the Mon-Steriens family at any time and any place. also, Mr imaginary stick will be granted a one time exclusive redemption from being called a noob by Mon-Steriens (although this already hardly happens, admit it). however, terms and conditions apply. this exculsive redeption will in no way save you when the beast and jw2242 begin their verbal abuse (i.e. Lu(@$ you f!Cking noob!) on you.
thank you for your kind understanding and we wish you all the best for your future endaveours.
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