Friday, March 25, 2011

oh man

An expression used to convey the instinctive reaction to a stimulus, be it a physical object or an abstract thought.

The nature of the reaction conveyed can be discerned from a combination of the context in which the 'oh man' was delivered and the intonation with which the 'oh man' was delivered. <-- haha so cool.


Someone who sees 13 pages of definitions for a basic combination of two words and feels the need to add another, identical one.
-A fucking retard
-A retarded fuck
-A fuck, who is also retarded

Noun. A combination of the word "fuck" (to fornicate) and the word "tard" (to delay). Therefore, a fucktard is a girl who won't let you fornicate with her until like the third or fourth date.
-Most catholic girls are fucktards.

A leotard with a hole in the crotch instead of snaps so you can get some quick in and out action between ballet performances.
-Damn that ballet was boring, but Jenny wore her Fucktard and gave me a piece if I promised to stay for the whole show. It was worth it!!!

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.

lol got one more i thought was funny-


a highly undesirable circumstance; the state in which fucktards are doomed to continually exist. Paradoxically, fucktards (consciously or unconsciously) also perpetuate the state of fucktardation everywhere they go. Thus, the fucktard essentially functions as a living virus of fucktardation.
"Dude, did any fly hookers show up for the party at dangus' place?"

"Hell naw dawg, that joint was nothin' but a sausage party...but the REAL fucktardation didn't start until the pigs rolled up."