Tuesday, November 23, 2010

canoeing at asian games


To summarize:

Above are the 6 girls wenting to Asian games 2010!!
Events they are racing (i think its these...):
k1 200m, k1 500m, k2 500m, k4 500m

Results so far:
k2 500m heats: 1:54.214
k1 500m heats: 2:02.124
k1 200m heats: 47.680

...to be updated...
Monday, November 22, 2010

spanish fly

go take a look!
sells aphrodisiac for males and females,
penis enlargement spray (wtf how does it work??? make it swell as though it got stung by bees? wahaha),
weight loss pills,
pheromones to attract both males and females! (this one is cool)

drink spiking:
Most cases of drink spiking occur with the intention of sexual assault or robbery. Other reasons include kidnapping, anger toward the chosen victim or entertainment. Young women are the most common targets of this illegal crime, although approximately 11% of men are victims as well."

GHB- much like ecstasy, odorless and colorless. causes sleepiness, amnesia, bla bla. 10-20 mins for effects to kick in.
Ketamine- used by vets to anesthetize animals. its liquid form so its gotta be injected. fail.
Rohypnol- pill form! and it dissolves like redoxon in water! takes 15-30 mins to K.O. the person drinking it. Some has blue dye added to it to prevent drink spiking so take note to add it to a darker colored beverage.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


SHIT i forgot to post this,


Friday, November 05, 2010

ordinary people

Yup, i am going to be an ORDinary guy soon. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
Monday, November 01, 2010

Jim Beam

Is a brand of bourbon whiskey. Bourbon is an American whiskey, a type of distilled spirit, made primarily from corn(maize) and named for Bourbon County, Kentucky.
Ugh and it tastes not nice. Bleh.

I finally had the chance to be under the influence of alcohol! Really cool feeling. Taking alcohol really pushes your mind to the limit, forcing your brain cells to work harder and harder as your central nervous system starts to fail. You know you are losing it and you can literally feel your dendrites clawing out desperately onto your consciousness. Giving up is really easy, but trying to retain your sanity is the fun part. I think the point of drinking with friends from now on, is to try and make everyone else KO before you.

Coma stage:
-Complete unconsciousness
-Depressed or abolished reflexes
-Subnormal body temperature
-Impairment of circulation and respiration
-Possible death

AND Paranormal Activity 2 is really good! Dont buy popcorn/food-that-you-have-to-hold while watching it. Confirm it will end up all over the floor. Cheers to the time trial and to my ever nearing ORD date. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!