Thursday, February 17, 2011


Confederate Marine Corps Powered Combat Suit

The CMC-200 is known to have the following features:

-- Air conditioner (a "backpack" which channels heat away from the body)

--Visor System: Lights flicker on the interior of the visor's rim acting as a basic guide. Green, yellow and presumably red feature, keeping the user informed of the suit's integrity.

--Shoulder housed ammunition reloads and sensor arrays.

--Structural support (supports the user's body, eg. adjusts itself to fit a firing stance, improving the gunner's aim).

--Salvage System: Should the suit's arm or leg be breached, the suit seals it off in a tourniquet.

--Immunity to most small arms fire. A needle gun can penetrate the suit, however.

--Seven day endurance on internal recycling alone.

--Basic NBC (nuclear/biological/chemical) shielding.

--Limited life support.

i want one.


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